BOHOGS Sponsors 2024

Who is BOHOGS?

The Bowen Basin Open Cut Geotechnical Society (BBOCGS) was created in 2011. When BBOCGS joined the Hunter Valley Open Cut Geotechnical Society (HOGS) in 2013, BOHOGS was formed.

BOHOGS is a society where open cut geotechnical engineers can share experiences, gain career professional development and liaise with like minded professionals in a friendly environment.

Why Sponsor BOHOGS ?

With 500+ members, BOHOGS also provides an opportunity for companies, suppliers and consultancies to sponsor the society. This helps to get their brand out there in the geotechnical engineering community as well has aid in helping BOHOGS continue to organise technical events, social events, sponsor university events and organise site visits and annual suppliers days.

The intention of the BOHOGS was, and still is, for Site Geotechnical Engineers, Geotechnical Consultants, Contractors, Suppliers, Academics, Regulators and OEMs to meet quarterly to network, share experiences and learnings and generally keep up with state of the art in the industry; but specifically focussed on open cut coal geotechnical engineering. For over 14 years we have had tours to open cut coal mines in the Bowen Basin and the Hunter Valley, held over 40 meetings during where over 100 technical presentations have been given.

2024 was the 13th and another successful year for BOHOGS. With previous sponsor’s support we have built on the success and learnings previous years and enabled more networking and learning opportunities. During 2024, the society organised university career day booths, social events, site visits and technical meetings. There was also over a dozen technical presentations delivered throughout the year.

This coming year is our 14th anniversary as a society and is looking to be as strong as ever, with plans to continue all of the above good work, We have additional plans to better integrate with the mining and civil geotechnical students in Queensland Universities. We have also taken feedback from our sponsor’s to continue to improve society and meeting announcement communications via email and the web page.

Although the current financial position is stable, the number of meetings and the large mailing list, and intentions to engage with universities closer, the administration and organisation of the society, results in considerable financial outlay (meeting venues, catering, booths, speakers gifts, web page administration, awards, scholarships, etc.). For this reason, BOHOGS (a NFP society) are soliciting financial sponsorship to offset the costs for the 2025 calendar year. The business case is based on one-off annual contributions to support the Society for the year. Any contributions will be acknowledged through recognition and logos depicted on audio visual at meetings, supplier logos are posted on the BOHOGS web page linked to their own home page and included on other marketing compendium, where appropriate. Sponsors will also get priority to display products and present to the society at the annual end of year Supplier’s meeting and exhibition, held in late November. Tax Receipts can be provided.

BOHOGS Sponsorship Levels:

  • Platinum Plus ($4000+). All the benefits of Platinum plus complete sponsorship of one quarterly meeting enabling company presentation on that day, announcement and logo at the meeting and on the web page.
  • Platinum: ($2500). Benefits to Platinum sponsors: Logo & link to website/contacts on BOHOGS webpage; Logo on AV at meetings, Free booth & choice of location at Supplier’s Day; Highest preferential consideration on tours and for meeting presentation slots, Premium advertisement location in BOHOGS advertising compendium.
  • Gold: ($1500). Benefits to Gold sponsors: Logo & link to website/contacts on BOHOGS webpage; Logo on AV at meetings, Free booth at Supplier’s Day; Preferential consideration on tours and for meeting presentation slots.
  • Silver: ($750). Benefits to Silver sponsors: Logo & link to website/contacts on BOHOGS webpage; Logo on AV at meetings.

 If you or your company would be a great fit to BOHOGS, please get in touch with a BOHOGS committee member or send us an email here.


BOHOGS Committee