24 03, 2023

University of Queensland Engineering Undergraduate Society Careers Fair


On March 10th 2023, BOHOGS, together with BBUGS, had the opportunity to attend the University of Queensland Engineering Undergraduate Society Careers Fair to encourage students to consider a career in Geotechnical Engineering. The event provided a great opportunity for members of BOHOGS/BBUGS to interact with the future engineers of the industry and to discuss what it is like to be a Geotechnical Engineering (Mining).

University of Queensland Engineering Undergraduate Society Careers Fair2023-03-24T07:11:56+10:00
30 01, 2023

BOHOGS Committee Vacancies 2023 – Expressions of Interest


BOHOGS are seeking Expressions of Interest for the following committee positions for 2023: Young Member Representative (ideally graduates) General committee members If you would like to join to BOHOGS committee, please contact Gurshaan Virk (gurshaan.virk (at) bhp.com). BOHOGS Committee BOHOGS Committee 2023: Chair: Gurshaan Virk Past Chair: Steven Gale Vice Chair: Alison McQuillan Secretary: Sache Aumua Treasurer: Tim Cartledge Webmaster: Leigh Bergin QLD Representative: Peter Mackin NSW Representative: Liam Krick, Kristian Knudsen Sponsor Coordinator: Dan Payne Young Member Representative: VACANT General: Adrienna Robotham, John Simmons, Kim Peckett, Kathryn Young, Bill Lin

BOHOGS Committee Vacancies 2023 – Expressions of Interest2023-01-30T12:03:47+10:00
2 12, 2022

Friction – New platforms for mining geotechnical engineering practitioners


Introducing Friction - A monthly update for geotechnical practitioners working in the mining industry. Friction is an e-newsletter and website launched earlier this year focused on the insights, technology, and people working with geotechnics in the mining industry. It aims to be a connection point for geotechnical practitioners, bringing together the best ideas and highlighting the work and innovation being done in our field. Subscribe to receive the free monthly newsletter and unrestricted access to the Friction website and articles here: https://www.friction.news/subscribe  You can also contribute to Friction by submitting articles, sharing links, sourcing feedback from your peers or promoting your industry [...]

Friction – New platforms for mining geotechnical engineering practitioners2022-12-02T16:56:52+10:00
24 11, 2022

BOHOGS End of Year Catch Up 2022


Good afternoon all, As 2022 comes to a close, BOHOGS would like to organise an end of year catch up for all its members in Moranbah and Brisbane, pending interest. A survey monkey link below will allow you to nominate your preference for the date and time in both Moranbah and Brisbane. This survey will close at 5:00pm Thursday 1st December 2022. Please direct all questions to gurshaan.virk (at) bhp.com. The time, date and venues of the catch ups will be communicated after the poll has closed. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Y6TW22K We look forward to hearing from you all. BOHOGS Committee

BOHOGS End of Year Catch Up 20222022-11-24T16:07:00+10:00
29 09, 2022

BOHOGS Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year 2022


Nomination criteria: Practicing Geotechnical Engineer who has significantly contributed to the discipline through their involvement in one or more of the following areas: Lead or involvement in projects of new slope stability modelling or stabilisation techniques Advancement in the field of geotechnical engineering Presenting at BOHOGS meetings Attendance at BOHOGS meetings Council member of BOHOGS, BBUGS, AGS, ACG, AUSIMM or other relevant society Conference Papers or Presentations in 2021-2022 Organising committees for conferences ACARP committee, ACARP monitor University Lectures or Advisory Board Thesis supervision Relevant awards, scholarships of certificates Mentoring of young geotechnical engineers Nomination process: Nominations to be sent to [...]

BOHOGS Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year 20222022-09-29T10:19:53+10:00
22 08, 2022

University of Queensland Engineering Undergraduate Society Careers Fair 2022


BBUGS and BOHOGS hosted a booth at the University of Queensland Engineering Undergraduate Society Careers Fair with society members educating engineering students on a career in mining geotechnical engineering. The BBUGS/BOHOGS booth had banners, videos running and lots of merch. Some good conversations were had with some potential young engineers considering geotechnical engineering. The councils appreciate Gurshaan, Sache and Rav for donating their time and sharing their passion to promote our field and societies on behalf of the entire membership.

University of Queensland Engineering Undergraduate Society Careers Fair 20222022-08-22T12:00:01+10:00
11 03, 2022

BOHOGS/BBUGS at UQ Careers Day 2022


BOHOGS/BBUGS participating at UQ Careers Day 2022 showing the next generation of mining engineers what a career in geotechnical engineering is all about. It was a great morning for the team who were speaking to the up and coming engineering graduates on mining and trying to shift their mindset that all mining isn't bad and that not all coal is for power stations. Big thanks to Steven Gale, Sache Aumua (BOHOGS) and Dan Payne, Dave Wallis and Jason Jamieson (BBUGS) for representing both societies.

BOHOGS/BBUGS at UQ Careers Day 20222022-03-11T18:19:17+10:00
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