24 11, 2019



See below for the presentation slides from the BOHOGS 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) that was held at the Suppliers Day on the 21st of November 2019. BOHOGS 2019 AGM Presentation Slides

BOHOGS AGM 20192019-11-24T09:42:51+10:00
24 11, 2019

BOHOGS – 2019 Year in Review


Technical Meetings In 2019 the BOHOGS committee planned and/or attended a total of 9 events – two QLD chapter technical meetings, two NSW chapter technical meetings, attended two universities, and held one formal and one informal meeting in Brisbane, and shared Supplier’s Day again with BBUGS. BOHOGS events accounted for ~1000 hours of Chartered Professional Development for our members in 2019. Finances BOHOGS saw slightly increased sponsorship in 2019, and will have approximately broken even again in 2019 once end of year costs are accounted for e.g. Supplier’s Day. This was partly due to in-kind support from companies who hosted site [...]

BOHOGS – 2019 Year in Review2019-11-24T09:18:31+10:00
28 10, 2019

Hail Creek Site Visit & Technical Meeting Photos


See the blog post for a few photos from the Hail Creek Site Visit & Technical meeting held on the 24th of October 2019. Thanks again to all the event organisers, presenters and the BOHOGS cohort who attended the meeting. Look at those seam dips! Site Intro presentation Technical presentation Technical presentation Technical presentation Technical presentation

Hail Creek Site Visit & Technical Meeting Photos2019-10-28T14:46:43+10:00
25 10, 2019

Slope Stability Assessment Methodology (SSAM)


Hi All – SSAM (https://app.ssam.net.au/) is the product of my thesis at UNSW and ACARP.. Essentially, with your assistance of industry case studies, I have developed a new empirical slope stability assessment methodology (SSAM) for assessing the likelihood and consequence of excavated slope failure. With 10 questions, you can calculate your slope’s likelihood of failure (LOF) based on the past performance of slopes with similar geotechnical and geometrical conditions. A 60% likelihood of failure indicates that 6 out of 10 slopes with similar conditions has failed in the past. An equivalent FOS can also be calculated for those more comfortable with [...]

Slope Stability Assessment Methodology (SSAM)2019-10-25T17:10:27+10:00
25 10, 2019

Geotechnical Practitioner & Presentation of the Year 2019


BOHOGS Practitioner of the Year 2019 Nomination criteria:  Practicing Geotechnical Engineer who has significantly contributed to the discipline through their involvement in one or more of the following areas: Lead or involvement in projects of new slope stability modelling or stabilisation techniques Advancement in the field of geotechnical engineering Presenting at BOHOGS meetings Attendance at BOHOGS meetings Council member of BOHOGS, BBUGS, AGS, ACG, AUSIMM or other relevant society Conference Papers or Presentations in 2018-2019 Organising committees for conferences ACARP committee, ACARP monitor University Lectures or Advisory Board Thesis supervision Relevant awards, scholarships of certificates Mentoring of young geotechnical engineers Nomination [...]

Geotechnical Practitioner & Presentation of the Year 20192019-11-11T09:38:36+10:00
7 06, 2019

Brisbane Technical Meeting June 2019


BOHOGS QLD hosted a technical meeting (followed by some quiet drinks) at the Capri by Fraser in Brisbane on Friday June 7th 2019. Thanks to the following presentation who gave talks. Thanks again to all our sponsors, the event organisers, presenters and the 36 members who came to the meeting! Cameron McKenzie (Blastechnology) – Modifying blast design for wall controlJessica Morgan (Country Manager for Tre-altamira) – InSAR for monitoring and geotechnical risk assessmentMatt Tsang (UQ) – Application of synthetic rock mass models to the Burton widening highwall failure See below for a few photos from the event:

Brisbane Technical Meeting June 20192019-06-07T18:14:17+10:00
20 12, 2018

BOHOGS – 2018 Year in Review


BOHOGS 2018 Supplier's Day - AGM Powerpoint Download Technical Meetings 2018 was a huge year for BOHOGS – the committee planned and/or attended a total of 9 events over the past 12 months – three QLD chapter technical meetings, two NSW chapter technical meetings, and four shared meetings. A standout was our BOHOGS/BBUGS ACARP Presentation day in June, where we had >74 attendees. Of these we had a total of 20 attendees from universities, government organisations and companies who are sponsored by ACARP to work on projects related to open cut or underground geotechnical engineering. It was an incredibly successful technical [...]

BOHOGS – 2018 Year in Review2018-12-20T16:02:17+10:00
9 10, 2018

Geotechnical Practitioner of Year 2018 & BOHOGS Committee Nominations 2019


  Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year 2018 Nomination criteria:  Practicing Geotechnical Engineer who has significantly contributed to the discipline through their involvement in one or more of the following areas: Lead or involvement in projects of new slope stability modelling or stabilisation techniques Advancement in the field of geotechnical engineering Presenting at BOHOGS meetings Attendance at BOHOGS meetings Council member of BOHOGS, BBUGS, AGS, ACG, AUSIMM or other relevant society Conference Papers or Presentations in 2017-2018 Organising committees for conferences ACARP committee, ACARP monitor University Lectures or Advisory Board Thesis supervision Relevant awards, scholarships of certificates Mentoring of young geotechnical engineers [...]

Geotechnical Practitioner of Year 2018 & BOHOGS Committee Nominations 20192018-10-17T10:35:28+10:00
3 10, 2018

Mudgee Roadtrip to Wilpingjong and Moolarben


The BOHOGS NSW two day roadtrip to Mudgee on the 20th-21st of September 2018 was an absolute blast. Thanks again to all our sponsors, the event organisers, presenters and our site hosts! See below for a few photos from the event: Roadtrip photos: Wilpingjong Site Visit photos: Moolarben Site Visit photos:

Mudgee Roadtrip to Wilpingjong and Moolarben2018-10-03T13:33:48+10:00
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