21 02, 2018

BOHOGS 2018 Committee has been announced


The 2018 Committee has been announced with the BOHOGS members voting in an annual rotation of the committee group offering more people opportunities to get involved. Young Professional RepVivian Yuan Position BOHOGS Member Chair Adrienna Robotham Vice Chair Gavin Lowing Immediate Past Chair John Latilla Secretary Kathryn Young Treasury Tim Cartledge Website / Media Coordinator Davide Pistellato and Leigh Bergin NSW Representative Rachel Metcalf Hunter Valley Representative Kim Peckett QLD Representative Alison McQuillan Bowen Basin Representative Mike Martin Sponsor Coordinator Dave Wallis Congratulations to the new committee.

BOHOGS 2018 Committee has been announced2018-02-21T17:55:42+10:00
21 02, 2018

BOHOGS Year in Review – 2017


Another BOHOGian year down! Thanks to all who participated by attending, presenting and being an active member of the committee, as well as our BBUGS colleagues for their efforts to put on our joint events. Below is a summary of our events in 2017: 23 March - University of Queensland Meeting, QLD 8 April - Glendell Mine Site Visit & Technical Meeting, NSW 9 May - Peak Downs Site Visit and Technical Meeting, QLD 22 July - University of Newcastle Meeting, NSW 15 September - BBUGS/BOHOGS BBQ at UQ 24 & 25 October - I-Site training session – Brisbane 9 November [...]

BOHOGS Year in Review – 20172018-02-21T17:53:51+10:00
30 11, 2017

BOHOGS Annual General Meeting 2017


As agreed in the BOHOGS constitution changes in early 2017, the AGM may be held electronically to cater for the geographical spread of the BOHOGS members. A powerpoint of the Supplier's Day Chairman's Report presented by John Latilla (2017 Chair) can be accessed below or on the BOHOGS website. 2017 Supplier's Day Chairman's Report / AGM powerpoint Can we ask each BOHOGS to review the aforementioned "Supplier's Day Chairman's Report / AGM" and completed the Survey below: Supplier's Day Chairman's Report / AGM Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2W599BM This AGM survey will close strictly at 5pm QLD time on the 8th of December 2017. BOHOGS [...]

BOHOGS Annual General Meeting 20172017-11-30T08:42:17+10:00
22 11, 2017

BOHOGS Geotechnical Practitioner Awards 2017


Awarded Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year 2017:  GAVIN LOWING For Gavin’s significant contribution to the field of Open Cut Geotechnical Engineering through the following endeavours: Initiation and co-ordination of industry involvement and presentations at universities in NSW and QLD Promoting mining geotechnical engineering training and qualifications to the board of AusIMM and the broader engineering community Vice Chair of BOHOGS, BBUGS and NUGS for 2017 Successful organisation of BOHOGS sites visits ACARP geotechnical task force member UG and OC, and monitor across Underground (24015) and Open Cut Projects (26019, 25025, 25040, 26033) – this is just the current list! Sharing learnings and [...]

BOHOGS Geotechnical Practitioner Awards 20172017-11-22T15:23:16+10:00
10 10, 2017

BOHOGS Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year 2017


SEE FLYER HERE Nomination criteria: Practicing Geotechnical Engineer who has significantly contributed to the discipline through their involvement in one or more of the following areas: Lead or involvement in projects of new slope stability modelling or stabilisation techniques Advancement in the field of geotechnical engineering Presenting at BOHOGS meetings Attendance at BOHOGS meetings Council member of BOHOGS, BBUGS, AGS, ACG, AUSIMM or other relevant society Conference Papers or Presentations in 2016-2017 Organising committees for conferences ACARP committee, ACARP monitor University Lectures or Advisory Board Thesis supervision Relevant awards, scholarships of certificates Mentoring of young geotechnical engineers Nomination process: Nominations to [...]

BOHOGS Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year 20172017-10-10T11:21:05+10:00
20 12, 2016

BOHOGS Year in Review – 2016


Another BOHOGian year down! Thanks to all who participated by attending, presenting and being an active member of the committee, as well as our BBUGGian colleagues for their efforts to put on our joint events. We held two events in the Bowen Basin, two events in the Hunter Valley and two events in Brisbane. The BOHOGS Year consisted of: • March - University of Queensland meeting where members and students were treated to a tour of the UQ Advanced Engineering Building and a thorough tour of the geotechnical engineering labs. April - Glendell Coal Mine and Technical Meeting where the NSW [...]

BOHOGS Year in Review – 20162016-12-21T07:13:18+10:00
28 11, 2016

BOHOGS / BBUGS Suppliers Day 2016


The annual BOHOGS and BBUGS suppliers day was held at the Capella Cultural Centre on November 24, 2016. The day consisted of BOHOGS & BBUGS awards, 13 technical presentations and 16 supplier & consultant exhibits. The day was a great success and both BOHOGS and BBUGS would like to thank our sponsors for making the day possible. Without the sponsors, these type of events just wouldn't be possible. A few photos from the day are shown below. 2016 BOHOGS BBUGS Suppliers Day 2016 BOHOGS BBUGS Suppliers Day 2016 BOHOGS BBUGS Suppliers Day 2016 BOHOGS [...]

BOHOGS / BBUGS Suppliers Day 20162016-11-28T11:53:00+10:00
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