26 11, 2016

2017 BOHOGS Committee Announced


The 2017 Committee has been announced with the BOHOGS members voting in an annual rotation of the committee group offering more people opportunities to get involved. See the new 2017 committee here: https://bohogs.org.au/bohogs-2017-committee/ Congratulations to the new committee.

2017 BOHOGS Committee Announced2016-11-28T12:21:36+10:00
23 11, 2016

UNSW 2017 School of Mining Engineering Scholarships


The School of Mining Engineering, UNSW, is giving 25 new scholarships, valued at $48,000 (each), to students commencing 1st and 2nd year studies in Mining Engineering (or Mining Engineering dual degrees) in 2017. Attached are the information regarding the scholarships, invitation to information dinners and the School of Mining Engineering.   UNSW Minerals Scholarship Program UNSW Undergrad Brochure UNSW Minerals Scholarship Program Dinner

UNSW 2017 School of Mining Engineering Scholarships2016-11-23T10:50:26+10:00
9 11, 2016

2016 Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year – Call for Nominations


Nomination criteria: Practicing Geotechnical Engineer who has significantly contributed to the discipline through their involvement in one or more of the following areas: Lead or involvement in projects of new slope stability modelling or stabilisation techniques Advancement in the field of geotechnical engineering Presenting at BOHOGS meetings Attendance at BOHOGS meetings Council member of BOHOGS, BBUGS, AGS, ACG, AUSIMM or other relevant society Conference Papers or Presentations in 2015-2016 Organising committees for conferences ACARP committee, ACARP monitor University Lectures or Advisory Board Thesis supervision Relevant awards, scholarships of certificates Mentoring of young geotechnical engineers Nomination process: Nominations to be sent to [...]

2016 Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year – Call for Nominations2016-11-09T22:23:14+10:00
31 08, 2016

Samarco Tailings Dam Failure (Public Release)


BHP has developed a public website with video and animations on the learnings from the Samarco tailings dam failure in Brazil in 2015. The "Demonstrative Animation" and Appendix B Attachment B8 are important information for those involved in design work for dams or levees. http://fundaoinvestigation.com/

Samarco Tailings Dam Failure (Public Release)2016-08-31T14:59:25+10:00
2 03, 2016

Join the BOHOGS Facebook and Linkedin Groups


For the latest BOHOGS news, information and events, head over to the BOHOGS Facebook and Linkedin pages. Committee members will be using Facebook and Linkedin (as well as the BOHOGS website) more often to relay information about news, events and society information to members. Links to the BOHOGS social pages are below: Facebook Group  |  Linkedin Group

Join the BOHOGS Facebook and Linkedin Groups2016-03-02T17:01:58+10:00
2 02, 2016

Become A BOHOGS Supplier


Are you a mining geotechnical company wanting to increase your companies exposure, increase your customer base and/or offer exclusive products/services to the New South Wales and Queensland coal industries? If so, become a BOHOGS sponsor today! Becoming a BOHOGS sponsor will give your company access to share your products/services with BOHOGS geotechnical engineers and get a homepage link on the BOHOGS webpage. To become a sponsor, you can contact one of the committee members or use our contact form.

Become A BOHOGS Supplier2016-02-02T13:48:59+10:00
4 12, 2015

BOHOGS Year In Review


What a year 2015 was for BOHOGS! Great to see so many people supporting the BOHOGS group through the year with attendance to the events and presenting.  We explored a bit of the East Coast with three events in the Bowen Basin, two events in the Hunter Valley and two events in Brisbane. Not only did we support the geotechnical fraternity this year but we also instigated a new project of use to the coal mining industry and developed opportunities for university students coming through the ranks and our geological brothers and sisters. The BOHOGS Year consisted of: March Ensham Coal Mine site visit QLD where members were [...]

BOHOGS Year In Review2015-12-04T11:44:29+10:00
4 12, 2015

BOHOGS and BBUGS Suppliers Day 2015


What a wonderful event.  The BOHOGS and BBUGS Suppliers Day keeps growing and getting stronger and 2015 was no exception.  Attendees from the mining companies, consultants, suppliers, contractors and researchers were all present to make the event happen. A big thank you to all presenters for making themselves available on the day and we wouldn't be where we are without our sponsors supporting the Geotechnical Societies. Presentations will be made available via the members section of the website in the coming days along with this years site visit presentations.  With 23 presentations available there was plenty of opportunity to learn. Further details can be found [...]

BOHOGS and BBUGS Suppliers Day 20152015-12-04T11:41:44+10:00
4 12, 2015

2015 BOHOGS Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year


The Judges had many nominations to consider for 2015 with industry geotechnical engineers going above and beyond in the geotechnical field accompanied by supporting many new initiatives of benefit to the Queensland and New South Wales mine sites. After some tough deliberations it was decided to that two worthy recipients would be crowned the 2015 Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year. Congratulations to: • Alison McQuillan. Alison's ongoing commitment to the BOHOGS group and her post-graduate study is a testament to the passion she has for the discipline and her ongoing desire for professional development. • Nicole Tucker. Nicole's dedication to providing [...]

2015 BOHOGS Geotechnical Practitioner of the Year2015-12-04T08:51:48+10:00
1 06, 2015

Ensham (QLD) & Drayton (NSW) BOHOGS Meetings.


See below, Alison McQuillan's review of the two BOHOGS meetings from earlier this year... "The first QLD BOHOGS meeting of 2015 was hosted by Ensham on March 11. Attendance was in excess of 20 (crows included geotechs and suppliers) which was great to see. Attendees were provided an overview of Ensham operations by Ensham Senior Geologist Travis Heaps, followed by presentations by Jordan Wilson (of BMA) on Geotechnical Stand-off’s WRT rockfall hazards and Alex Duran (of PSM) on Prism Monitoring practices. John Latilla (of AMC Consultants) then provoked some discussion with his Downgrading of Lab Results to Rock Mass Strength presentation [...]

Ensham (QLD) & Drayton (NSW) BOHOGS Meetings.2015-07-28T12:30:14+10:00
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